Best of Weighted Blankets

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A weighted blanket is a great addition to any bed to help you sleep better throughout the night. With the new year upon us, I have gathered my favorite weighted blankets that will not only improve your sleep this year, but also serve as a stylish layer for any bed look.

I am a personal fan of the BEARABY COTTON NAPPER WEIGHTED BLANKET , having been gifted one a few years ago. It works year round, but I especially love it during the winter season when you want to feel completely snug and nestled under the covers.

A similar style is the QUINCE CHUNKY KNIT WEIGHTED BLANKET that gives you the look of a handcrafted woven blanket with the added benefit of being weighted to keep you cozy.

I also love this LOLA BLANKET that gives you the look of a dreamy fur blanket.



wuImage via Quince

Image via Amazon

Image via Lola Blankets

Image via Bearaby


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